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Interim Report for 2019-2020


Rita Hettiarachchi, ASD-STEP & YEEP

1. Activities

Encouraged RSDs to promote the two programmes in their regions through RSDs. → ongoing
Encouraged the RSDs/RDs to inform club presidents to send out the youth either on STEP or YEEP, at least 2 from each region and also accept 2 students in. (2 in +2 out) → ongoing

2. Goals

At least 2 from each region and also accept 2 students in. (2 in +2 out) → Throughout the year
To promote the two programmes not only among regions but also from district to district → Throughout the year
To open for applicants in Y’s Youth Clubs → Throughout the year
Importance of constant communication → continuous

3. Successes/ Positives observed

  1. ST03-18/19 Tomoki Ishida from Japan completed his successful STEP hosted by RD Bjarne Hyldgard and his host club “Give” Denmark in August. This was quick due to IBC relationship between the sponsor and host clubs.
  2. ST02-18/19 Yvonne Hong from Taiwan completed her successful STEP hosted by Dave Hall and Ottawa Y’ service club in late August to early September.
  3. ST02-19/20 Brian Trevor – Kenyan STEP student’s one choice of countries is Japan. I have already forwarded the application to Japan.

4. Next Steps

Looking forward to hear of any possibilities of hosting ST01-19/20
Will continue the same efforts in the next half year. → continuous

5. Topics needing special and/or immediate attention

Ap to encourage regions to apply for these wonderful programmes.

I quote my appeal here from my ISD’s Mid Year Report for AP/APE/ICM to table at the Mid Year meeting to be taken for discussion at the forthcoming ICM.

  1. APs to select ASDs who are active and responsive as not only ISDs but also the RDs/RSDs would find it very hard to communicate with unresponsive ASDs which causes to slow down or stop making progress.
  2. IEOs to rethink of the YEEP since there has been no applicants in the past 3 years. -Unquote

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