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Initial Report for 2018-2019

Japan West Region

Michihiro Endo, RD of Japan West Region

1. Specific Goals during the term

Y service ASF1/yen 2,000
CS 1/yen 1,500
TOF 1/yen 1,400
FF 1/yen 800
BF 1/yen 1,500
EF Total CHF 3,000
RBM 7/yen 800
Extention 2 clubs
MC +98 members
LT 2 times (RSDE and DGE training, CPE and DSDE training)
Regional Bulletin3
RD Letter 12
NDERF Total yen 2,000,000 (for Japan East and West)

2. Measures to be taken to achieve the above mentioned goals

Each club should understand what is YMCA and what is Youth Project then make their activity forward. Let youth understand how YMCA work on youth project. Which lead to young boys and girls willl be involved in YMCA Activity in the long run.
Let us carry the banner for New YMCA Logo Mark which enlibhten YMCA positive concept.

3. Challenges

Each club shuld forward the plan of Community Service and Environmental service and Environmental service activity by which our original activity in the field of Japan West will be linked together with YMCA Service and YIA.
Go, go E and MC and develop new idea for Y's men club Centennial.
DBC, IBC are our key issue. Please underatand why we need donation for BF, YEEP, Step and EF.

4. Additional Comments

What RD Mr. Ono, and MS. Kyoko Nakamichi keep emphasized to "save children campaign" are the problem that we, Menettes and every Society need to solve.
However, in the present state of Japan West regrettably there is no Menettes RSD, don't excuse " No Menettes RSD' is No campaign.

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