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MYM Report for 2021-2022

Australia Region

Report Date: 26 Jan 2022
Wayne Cameron, RD of Australia Region 2021-2022

1. Your expectations to make a difference during Nov.~Jan.2022 -Update on Progress

On 25th January a zoom meeting was held for the Y Service and Y service Womens clubs in Bendigo.
The purpose was to,
1. Look at improving relationships with the YMCA at a local and state wide level.

2.  Look at the possibility of creating a Bendigo Region wide project for all clubs to participate in.

3.  Give local clubs a guide to starting back using the 100 things to do brochure

4.  Form a Research group from local club members to look at what are the needs in the community and then develop a strategy to meet these needs

2. Share 1 or 2 Key Activities that have made/will make a difference

  1. RD Wayne to send a request to all Bendigo Clubs to get at least 1 volunteer from each Club to form a research group to investigate possible projects or activities that the Clubs in Bendigo could combine together to do. 
  2.  RD to followup with a zoom meeting to explain the reasons for the research and start the process. Face to face meetings will be required at some stage.


  3. RD to call another presidents meeting once we have some data to work with
  4. Group to select/reccomend a project that clubs can work together on. This may be in partnership with the YMCA


3. Step taken to-date to achieve Goals and Key Target 2021/2022

  1. RD Has completed all preliminary steps for the above process. Just waiting on clubs to nominate participants in the Research group

4. Challenges

  1. Massive outbreak with covid 19 has hampered all clubs activities Both in meeting face to face as well as holding Fundraising activities
  2.  Trying to retore some enthusiasm for club activities. Clubs have not met for two months and the danger is that covid will cause a loss of members because they are not meeting

5. Your region’s efforts and activities toward the 100th anniversary

Plans put on hold to hold a celebratory dinner and meeting of all clubs.

The 100 things to do to celebrate the  centenary brochure has been distributed to clubs. The hope is clubs will pick something they are capable of doing allowing for covid restrictions

Region Executive team meets regularly and is still strong and committed

6. Motions to be considered by MYM, if any

No motions at this stage

7. Topics for Discussion, if any

The Low voting participation for the IPE position and problems that clibs experienced in trying to vote

8. Additional Comments, if any

(No additional comments at this stage).

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