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Action Plan for 2019-2020

Sri Lanka Region

Godfrey S. Francis, RDE of Sri Lanka Region

1. Preamble and Background

My vision is to be an honest and practical leader during my term of office.
I am committed to increase the membership, I have been involved in extension for the past 2 years.
We must grow and make this Region strong with members committed to the cause of Y’s Men.
Theme “Come - Lets Pull Together”

To increase the membership with the emphasis on recruiting Young people also retaining the existing Senior Members.
To cultivate integrated relationship among members and build inter club relationship in the Region.

2. Challenges - International Project Contribution/deliverables

3. Immediate Action

To establish a new club in a new style with more than 5 people

4. Long Range Plan

To achieve that figure of 500 members by the year 2022 when YMI will celebrates the Centenary Year.

To make the movement Vibrant and better known Christian Service Organisation In Sri Lanka.

5. To be considered by ACM

To consider to revising the Semester dues for Sri Lanka Region due to the Economic Situation of the country. We have not yet recovered economically after the 30 year Civil War.

To consider financial aid for our extension Programme.

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